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A Nice Place to Visit

No one knew what happened to Minister Angerles. He had totally disappeared after they left him broken and demoralized on the stage in the city square. There had been a search party; after all, he was wanted for murder, but nothing ever came of it. Years later a rumor would come to Gaspius that the minister was spotted in India, attempting to sway the locals with a legend of a fire god that was real and superior to any they had ever seen. However, most felt he had gone off to die a quiet death somewhere and was now enjoying those flames he was always so enraptured with -- in Tartarus.

It was the following morning in Gaspius and Iolaus had to attend to some business before he and Hercules left the city, with its less than charming memories.

"Will you write me?" she asked him, blue eyes wide and a wistful smile on her lovely face, as he held her hand. She leaned forward, her lips just inches from his, but unable to connect.

"Of course I will." Iolaus assured and reached out awkwardly with his other hand to touch her left cheek, "Be well."

The woman settled back with a bounce in her barred carriage, along with the other Sisters of Reclamation. Prison wouldn't be so bad as long as she had something to look forward to when she got out. The Sister smiled and looked at the girl beside her. "I think he really likes me," she said giddily.

Iolaus carefully unwound his arms away from the bars as the horses began to trot and the prison carriage pulled the ladies away. He waved graciously until he couldn't see the carriage anymore then let his arms drop.

"You amaze me," Hercules sighed, standing behind his friend, arms folded as he leaned against a post. He wore a skeptical yet somehow moderate expression. "She was trying to kill you, Iolaus."

"I know." He shrugged and turned to approach his friend. "But I feel sorry for her and the other Sisters. It wasn't totally their fault. They honestly thought they were just doing the job they were supposed to do. It was something they were brought up to do, practically from birth." Then he added, "And, you know, she really *does* have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen."

"Hopeless," Hercules murmured as they now walked down the street together, moving slowly out of town.

Gaspius was on the mend. The new city council, moderated by both the young rebels and a few of the more practical adults, were working together. It would be tough to push aside fifty years of tradition but all were willing to give it a try. All on the council agreed there would be no more human sacrifices, they would start farming again and, to the relief of both Iolaus and Hercules, Pyro would no longer be the city's patron god. Irrigrotus was the top contender. Hercules suggested the council not to worry about any type of patron at least until they were better able to distinguish between the pragmatic gods and the evil. They told him they would consider his suggestion.

The men continued to walk and as they met up with the trail just outside the city, Hercules had a thought. "Well, I don't know about you, buddy, but I have a craving for something good to eat."

Coming from Hercules this was odd.

Iolaus looked up at him, "Really?" he asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"How about some *smoked* salmon."

"Oh, don't Hercules."

"Or maybe some *blackened* quail."

"Come on, Herc."

"Oh, I know! A *roasted* boar with a *fried* apple in its mouth."

"Stop it, Hercules!"

The demigod could barely prevent a laugh, "Well, you asked and I just thought I'd share. Hey, how about some *Bar B Q* spare ribs?"

"You're evil, just evil."

Hercules and Iolaus were off to search for another adventure.

The End

Disclaimer: "No mean Ministers who bare a striking resemblance to Zeus, King of the Gods, were harmed during the making of this motion picture, but Iolaus was slightly *char broiled*.
