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Kithia's Lament

Iolaus and Hercules Fiction ....

I hope you will enjoy "Kithia's Lament" which was originally written for HERCULES & IOLAUS: THE LEGENDARY JOURNEYS, a great on-line Virtual Season which finished up Year 6: The final year of HTLJ -- that which was cut to eight less than legendary episodes, for reasons none of us will truly ever understand.

This story was not written as a way to infringe on the rights of any holders of HERCULES: THE LEGENDARY JOURNEYS. I am merely borrowing the charatcers for fun, relaxation and (as always) cheap therapy. It's less expensive than a psychiatrist.

Thank you Ren Pictures and Rob Tapert for allowing us the viewing pleasure we received. Would that there had been a Season # 7 ....

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Iolaus has a serious decision to make in

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