"The Craving"
by Beckers
Hi, just a quick introduction into this fiction. This is going to be something very different for me. A
very dark (and possibly scary) LW fiction starring Roxton & Marguerite. An R Rated fiction of
which I've never tried before, at least in the realm of TLW. I want to give one and all a warning at
the start here that this may not be a pretty story. Parts of it may be rather shocking and, dare I say
it (?), disturbing. However, I'm going to attempt to stay in character and do what I think is right.
Think of this as a fever-dream and you might get the idea of where I'm going here. I hope you'll stay
with me. I *think* I know what I'm doing <g>.
Ref: "Blood Lust", "Trapped" - etc.
(Spoiler warning for these episodes mentioned above and probably others).
All those old familiar sensations came back in the short time it took her to entrap, feed, and direct
his confused but willing body to her home. The carnage had been glorious. The Zanga warriors
who had been traveling with him never had a chance.
The palace. He remembered it well. He hadn't been there long, nearly three years ago now, when
he was originally infected, but even now he compared it to his estate in Avebury. Despite its
opulence his own home had been warm and inviting. But this place, no matter how beautiful it was,
was hardly warm. Inviting? Yes, in a strange way it was. It was a cold domicile surrounded by an
enigma, and he loved being here. It had bewitched him the first time he saw it, nearly as much as
Calista. He could hear the rats in the walls, trying to scratch their way to freedom, and the
repetitious tick of the clock on a mantel three rooms away. If he focused he could even hear the
footfall of far off plateau beasts, unaware and ready to be feasted upon.
"My Love," Calista's bright blue eyes nearly devoured him, "one day I knew you would come
back to me."
'That makes one of us.' Roxton thought as he, edgy with need, looked about her home like a
creature ready to pounce on unsuspecting prey. "Last time I saw you you were dead." Roxton
gritted his teeth against wild animal urges. There were only two things right now he wanted: Blood
and sex. He and Calista had already indulged in the latter and, even in his current frame of mind,
Roxton felt a tug of guilt. He needed and ached for what she so freely offered but didn't love her.
The woman he loved was miles away, alone in her comfortable bed, missing him.
"My followers brought me back." Calista murmured.
As if they had been called on, Roxton spotted a man and woman enter the living area to stand
next to the roaring fireplace. Both were native to the plateau but the woman, wearing a sarong,
looked vaguely European, much like Calista. The man, clothed in furs, could have been from a
village in the higher elevations of the plateau.
"They used their own blood to bring me back to life." she continued, "They're devoted and one
day I may have to kill them out of desperation," she pondered, "or merely for my own
amusement. They understand what it is to serve me." Slowly Calista came up behind Roxton and
ran her hands over his broad back, gently massaging his shoulders, feeling how tense he was.
"Did you miss me?" she asked.
"Didn't it feel and sound like I missed you?" Roxton slowly turned and stared her firmly in the
eye. They had made a brutal, satisfying animal-love. Yet in the end, when they reached an
inevitable climax, it was not her name he cried but another.
"Who is Marguerite?" Calista asked, more curious than hurt. "Is she beautiful?"
Roxton did not answer but he didn't have to. The stricken expression on his face spoke volumes.
"You've found love while we've been separated, haven't you?" Calista pressed, her eyes
narrowing. "Don't feel sorry, dearest. I will make all your dreams and nightmares take shape.
Before you know it, that woman you left behind will mean nothing to you ..." She paused, staring
at the suddenly vulnerability Roxton displayed. "Or perhaps I should remove her entirely and
put you out of your misery."
Roxton unexpectedly caught Calista's wrist and held it firmly, "You lay a hand on her and I'll kill
you." he growled, his sweat sheened brow creased with threat.
Stricken and slightly amused, Calista chuckled softly. "You may eventually attempt to do that
anyway." she replied, pulling free from his grip. "This woman means that much to you, does
she?" Then a smile grew on her attractive enigmatic face, "Marguerite could always join us." she
offered, noting how Roxton's shoulders stiffened with sudden vacillation. "She can be with you
forever, her beauty never fading, and you and she will have more in common than you ever did
before. You will be equals in your new life together with me."
"As your servants." Roxton's eyes flickered once to the couple standing near the fireplace.
"As my family." Calista corrected, "I could never think of you as an inferior, my love. And
Marguerite ... She can be my sister. We probably have far more in common than you could ever
imagine." The woman licked her lips with a nearly predatory zeal.
The idea had appeal. Roxton couldn't deny it. He knew he should be telling Calista that the very
idea of bringing Marguerite Krux, the woman he loved more than life itself, into this hell was
preposterous. Yet, thinking as he did, as the creature he had become, Roxton could well picture
he and Marguerite together in this world. They would live an existence of constant passion and
pleasure, enjoying what it was to be at one with every sight and sound around them. Together
they would be masters of life and death. When he closed his eyes Roxton could picture
Marguerite, dark and aristocratic, fire and steel, sultry and seductive -- wearing Calista's fine
clothes and jewelry. Then she would go out with him at night ... and they would hunt ...
"Think about it hard, My Love." Calista brought a silver goblet up to his lips. Roxton opened his
eyes and looked at Calista. He then looked inside the goblet. It was the blood of either a man,
woman or innocent. He didn't know. He didn't care. Roxton took it from her and drank greedily.