She was a good little girl with powers unlike any who she now lived with. They were only mortal after all, these foster
parents, and she was the true daughter of the greatest god in existence.

You are special. He had told her this a countless amount of times while she dreamed, both during the day and evening.
Sometimes she could almost feel him patting her atop the head or giving her tender cheek a gentle rub.

Young Hope looked outside her bedroom window and stared up at the bright stars above. He was coming. She could feel
him. The two women were coming too. In her mind's eye she could see Xena -- and Gabrielle, she who was her mother.

"Father dearest, tell me what to do!" Hope whispered urgently, "Do I wait? Do I kill? Tell me what it is I must accomplish
before the next transformation."

Part them, Came the answer. She could hear his voice, from that dark and burning realm. Part them and make them
suffer all the torments of an everlasting Tartarus.

"How do I do this?" she asked.

You will know what to do when the time comes.

"And you, dear father?"

My plans are my own for now, child. But you ... Prepare for my return. Prepare the altar ... with much blood.
Prepare my followers. There are many. You will be helped ...

"But what if we fail?" she asked with a child's wonder and impatience.

He smiled for he could not be angry with one so innocent and young. He could not scourge she who was made from him.
"We will not fail. There may be set backs but we will never fail. There are many opportunities out there ... if not
here in Greece than in other places. There is a king in Sumeria ..."
he began, "Ah, but I am getting ahead of myself.
You and I will live on forever, Hope, and take advantage of all that is presented to us."

She did not understand. Not entirely. But it did not matter. She was her father's daughter. Hope would do all he required
and she would do so eagerly. "Goodnight, my sire." she whispered, turning from the window and approaching her small

"Goodnight my lovely spawn." he replied.

April 2001

I appreciate feedback. Please write me in care of this fan page address. Beckers says she'll pass on any "fan mail"
I get. Virgolus

The following story is fiction based on the characters of
Hope and Dahak from XENA, WARRIOR PRINCESS and
aren't mine but thanks to the owners for letting me borrow
them for this non-profit fiction.