Xena stopped off in Thrace to pick up her horse before traveling on the long road to Corinth, which would eventually take her to Iolaus home. It felt more than good to be riding again, feeling the leather of the saddle against her legs and the chilly breeze of fresh morning air as it ruffled her dark hair. Plus, Xena determined, horse-power got her to a targeted destination faster than by foot. She really had to speak with Hercules about this some day. With a wry upturn of her lips, Xena wondered if Gabrielle had succeeded in driving poor Iolaus crazy with her non stop chatter, questions, and stories of victory and woe. Still, if Xena recalled Iolaus, who she felt she knew fairly well, he could also spin a ponderous yarn or two of his own. She doubted seriously that his sense of humor had dwindled over the years, despite his disability. He would be a nice little diversion for her friend who, in Xena's opinion, needed a change of scenery. Gabrielle really hadn't been herself lately. As a matter of fact, she had been acting very odd. She and Iolaus, Xena thought with a private chuckle, had much in common. It was noon when Xena reached the crossroads and only a half hour later when Xena heard a frantic scream. It was Gabrielle's. She'd know it anywhere. The worried warrior woman galloped her animal hard. Yet, when she reached Iolaus' small home what greeted her was not the vision of disaster Xena had anticipated. No thugs, nothing had fallen in and both of the area's inhabitance appeared well, even giddy. She spotted Iolaus in a wheelchair, drenched from head to foot, and Gabrielle running away from him, a wooden bucket dangling from her hand. "I'll get you for that, little bard!" Iolaus shouted, chasing after his house guest as he took a short cut across a grassy patch of land. He managed to catch up to her and held Gabrielle around the waist, pulling her down into his damp lap. Actually, Xena thought absently, Gabrielle didn't try that hard to get away. The Warrior Princess found herself smiling at their childish antics until she spotted her friend turn a bit in his lap and soften. A few words, which Xena could not hear, were exchanged and Gabrielle leaned in for a rather long and sensuous kiss. Xena didn't begrudge Gabrielle some fun but this intimacy looked less than innocent and more than friendly. As a matter of fact, it appeared pretty darn profound. Slowly, brushing a distressing thought from her mind, Xena trotted down the small hill and when it appeared the couple weren't so intimately engaged, she called their names. ****** Hercules had never traveled into the future before. To the past, yes, but never forward and he was more than a little apprehensive. He didn't know what he'd find there but - if the Chronos shard was all it was cracked up to be - he should be deposited exactly where he was once instructed and, give or take a few years, right in front of the person he needed to see most. Color swirled about the demigod as he plummeted down the kaleidoscopic vortex, hundreds of years into the future. And he heard a voice. More than one really. Perhaps it was the way of future during time travel but it was disquieting. "Okay, so now what happens?" someone sounding like an rankled Discord asked. "I meet who I'm looking for and we help Iolaus." Hercules answered without uttering a word. "Oh yeah, your little chum. How can we ever forget hiiiim?" Damos replied, giggling less than usual. Hephestus asked, "Are you doing this for him or for you, Hercules?" in a gentle voice. "Maybe a little of both." Hercules admitted. "What type of answer is that?" asked Artemis, impatiently. "Quiet." was heard from Athena, "I think I understand." "For Iolaus physically and for you, Hercules, mentally." Another voice, this one male, pondered. "It's important for immortals to be sound in body and mind. I approve." Hercules barked, "I'm not asking for your blessing." "Doesn't matter, you have it anyway, my son." Zeus said, pleasantly. "Good luck, Hercules." and there was warmth in Hera's voice. Hercules hoped and prayed he was doing the right thing. It's for Iolaus, his thoughts encouraged, "It's the right thing." he whispered aloud. ******** Gabrielle and Iolaus watched as Xena took her horse over to drink some fresh water from a trough. She then pulled her over to meet Xanya who was running about in an outside corral. "When are you going to tell her?" Iolaus asked. "Soon. It's not something that can wait.." She looked down when she felt Iolaus take her hand. Softly, she smiled. "I didn't expect her to show up so soon." "Do you want me to go with you?" Iolaus asked. "No," She squeezed his fingers affectionately before walking to meet with her friend, "I need to talk with her alone. It's sensitive chat time." "These two are good together." Xena announced as she watched Gabrielle walk toward her, "It's as if they've known each other for a lifetime." she said, referring to the horses. "Reminds me of a certain warrior and bard I know." "Xena, we need to talk." Gabrielle spoke seriously but gently. "You're right. We do." Xena turned from the horses and looked at her smaller friend, "Gabrielle, I really have to thank you for being with me during all this madness with Eve. Coming back to Greece after what Ares did to us ..." "Xena ..." "It's just that I know I've probably been distant and, at times, even a little hurtful but you have to know what you mean to me." Xena pressed, "You've shown me such patience and goodness so many times and now there's Eve. I could never do for her what you've done for me. She'll need her second mother to show her the way as only you can ..." Gabrielle wanted to speak, ask Xena to hush up for a minute, but no words came from her lips. She recalled the dream she had last night. Eve reaching out to her, hurt and frightened: "Help me find the way!" she cried, begging for Gabrielle's support. " ... and I think we'd fall apart without your pure, gentle influence." Xena was saying. "I can't tell you how many times Eve has said to me ...." It wasn't often that The Warrior Princess became sentimental and rambling but when she did it held an impact. "I'm not certain I can be much help now, Xena.' Gabrielle interrupted when she could, "I'm not really the same person I was when we first met up and Eve has you ..." "Eve has us both. Without you I'm not whole and without the both of us Eve has nothing." Xena looked as close to crying as she ever got during times like this. "The three of us have got to continue together, Gabrielle. We have a job to do. Can you understand what I'm saying?" Gabrielle stared at Xena, her emotions in turmoil. No, she didn't really understand but yes, in a sense, she did. Had she been fooling herself all this time while with Iolaus? Did she still have something to finish out on the road with Xena and Eve? "Gabrielle! Xena!" Iolaus shouted from close to the house. They saw him staring into what appeared to be a blank space but soon they too saw it. A small, thinly sliced eddy. It almost appeared to be a rip in a painter's canvass and it also appeared to be opening up several meters before Iolaus. He wheeled his chair back a bit as the women ran to him, to take a closer look at what was happening. Unexpectedly, two figures approached from what was now a bright, steady streak of light. "What is it?" Gabrielle asked, frankly confused. "It's ..." Iolaus hesitated, "Hercules." The light faded and there indeed stood the son of Zeus. He wore a blue tunic with dark pants and a fancily embroidered green vest. An outfit not of this era. Beside him stood another man. He was elderly, with white hair and wore a rich, red garment that draped to the ground. In his hand he held a clear beaker of some kind with a yellow bubbling liquid inside. On his head was perched a pointed cap. "Here he is ..." Hercules said to his companion, miming toward Iolaus. He did not appear to recognize the wide-eyed interest and inquiry of his three friends. "Indeed he is!" The older man nodded, running quizzical fingers through his white beard, "Just the same I see." He then looked up at Hercules, "But he needs a hair cut." Iolaus looked from the man then Hercules. He mimed a 'Who is he?' in frustration. "And still impatient, I see." The red cloaked man commented, "Forgive me," He took the cap from his head when he realized ladies were present. He then looked at Iolaus and smiled, "I'm a friend of Hercules and yourself, for that matter. I am from the future, Iolaus. My name is Merlin and I am what some might call a sorcerer, wizard and/or magician." He lifted the mixture in his hands, "But you, my friend, can call me your healer." Xena and Gabrielle backed off a little as Merlin rounded the wheel chair, gently swishing the liquid about in his beaker. "You were wise to call on me when you did, Hercules." he said, "We simply cannot have a Knight of the Round Table confined to one of these contraptions." Hercules half smiled and nodded. Completely confused, Iolaus eyes narrowed and he again looked to his friend for counsel. However, Iolaus soon froze in his seat when he felt something warm being poured over his head. Immediately he knew it was whatever the old guy had bubbling in that container. Merlin's hands rose to massage it into Iolaus scalp and neck. Iolaus closed his eyes and relaxed a little. He had to admit it felt good. "Er ... excuse me." Gabrielle's somewhat timid voice spoke up, "I don't know much about paralysis but shouldn't that liquid be spread over his legs and not his head?" Merlin rolled his eyes and continued to rub in the mixture, "What do I expect from Greek barbarians?" he muttered then, "No dear, young Randolph here ..." he cleared his throat, "I mean Iolaus is incapacitated due to a brain injury. It is all very technical and, I'm sure, far too complicated for a century such as this but let's just say once I remove what Zeus has blocked, with his magical powers in the dear boy's brain, he will be as he was twenty five years ago ..." Then a bit perkier, " ... and we can go have tea." "What about his immortality?" Xena asked and met Hercules eyes momentarily. "Oh, he'll still be immortal. There's no way to get around that." Suddenly, Iolaus opened his eyes wide and began to breath deeply but in a choppy manner. He could feel something spread over him from the inside, as if his body had been struck by another of those menacing lightening bolts. "Hercules!" Iolaus shouted with a gasp and he felt his friend's hand clutch his arm. He stared at Hercules, who was now kneeling beside him. The demigod mimed encouragement, obviously trusting Merlin to work his magic. Through his distress Iolaus knew, when all was said and done, he had nothing to be afraid of. Slowly, the feeling of pain and anxiety passed and Iolaus felt exhausted. He slumped in his chair. Gabrielle was now on his other side, taking his hand. "Are you all right Iolaus?" she asked. "I don't know." he answered, honestly. Merlin tossed the beaker aside, returned the pointed hat to his head and folded his arms as he stood behind Iolaus, "Stand up, my boy. It's time for you to get used to your legs again." Iolaus almost wanted to ask him if he was joking but Hercules stood and slipped his hand down to clutch his wrist, as if he was going to help him take a first preverbal leap. There was an encouragement in his friend coupled with hope and expectancy. Iolaus could not ignore it. He couldn't and wouldn't disappoint him. Carefully, Iolaus leaned forward and balanced his weight. He pushed himself and ...stood. For the first time in twenty five years, Iolaus stood on his own two feet, without any form of help, and took a few tentative steps. Hercules breathed out heavily and closed his eyes for a few seconds. 'Finally.', he thought and hoped Jason was looking down at them from The Light. "Lancelot, I have to go." Merlin whispered to Hercules, "I'll see you," he glanced at Iolaus, "both of you again real soon. Oh and," he nodded to the Chronos Stone shard he knew Hercules had hidden in his tunic, "Don't forget to give that back to King Gingus. It could be dangerous in the wrong hands." Merlin disappeared into thin air. ********** "What would you have done if Merlin couldn't help Iolaus?" Xena asked Hercules as the couple stood next to Iolaus' house. She and Gabrielle were preparing to leave. Two days had passed since Iolaus recovery. Although Iolaus was grateful, all were a little surprised that he wasn't as energetic and intense as they thought he might be. Gabrielle understood his lack of enthusiasm, knowing his personal pain at their parting, but Hercules and Xena decided it was probably too much excitement too soon. Once he got used to the idea Iolaus would be hunting, fishing, farming, forging and walking with the careless abandonment they all remembered. "What would I have done?" Hercules echoed her question, "I guess I would have to come to accept it. I would still look for a cure but you can only go on for so long before you realize that if this is what The Fates have decided than that's it ..." "But there are no more Fates, Hercules." Xena nearly joked. She doubted very seriously that Hercules would just give up. It wasn't in him. Still, she thought warmly, it was so nice to see the life come back into his lovely blue eyes. The kindness and guarded joy. It was as if the old Hercules had never left. But still, there was something on his mind, she was sure. The heroes looked to where they saw Iolaus working, pulling Xanya from her small corral to stand by a tree in the distance. Again, Hercules noted a certain lethargy in his movements but it really seemed to have more to do with Iolaus mental state than physical. Give him time, the demigod thought, just give him some time ... "Hercules, I need to know something." Xena spoke lowly but firmly, "I know you said the Cabiri had asked a future favor from you when it showed you were you could find a Chronos Stone shard but you never really said what that favor was. Do you know?" The demigod's expression darkened, "Yes, I know." "Will you tell me?" "If I do you'll hate me." Xena was startled by his comment. "I could never hate you." she promised. He hesitated but knew there was no getting out of an answer, "It has to do with Rome." Hercules started and could feel Xena stiffen beside him, "For reasons of its own, the Cabiri wants Rome to conquer Greece." Xena suddenly latched onto a memory. She saw Augustus Caesar and his words echoed through her mind: "Rome loves Greece, Hercules. We would do anything to have her ... friendship." She shook off the recollection for a moment, "Rome takes Greece?" Xena asked to clarify. Rome could easily take Greece. Xena had experiences with its military it was nearly invincible. "Well, it may try but we'll be here to see it doesn't happen." she assured, knowing her comment had to reflect what Hercules was thinking. Hercules said nothing and this alarmed Xena. Then it dawned on her ... "Your deal with the Cabiri wasn't so much what you would do but what you wouldn't do. You're not going to interfere, are you Hercules? You're going to let Rome take Greece." Pain was visible in his face, "It was the price, Xena. It was the price I had to pay to make Iolaus a whole man." He turned to look her steadily in the eye. Even now Hercules could see how wrong his obsession was. Iolaus was as much of a man, even a better man, as any time during his life -- with or without his legs. He should have thought of another way. "Does he know?" "No, but he will some day. I'll have to tell him and when I do ..." That was another road to cross at a future time. Hercules was not looking forward to the confrontation but he knew Iolaus better than anyone and his friend would eventually accept what Hercules had done. And, being a rather crafty man when he wanted to be, Iolaus might also help him think up a way out of it too. Hercules attention returned to Xena, "But you can still cause waves. Do all you can, Warrior Princess, and if Rome still takes Greece, make it sorry it did." Despite the fury she felt bubbling up inside, Xena could not be angry with him. Hercules had paid his dues and was continuing to pay every day of his life. Letting Greece go was like selling his soul. Perhaps in the centuries to come life would be easier for he and Iolaus. She sincerely hoped so. "Hercules," Xena whispered and stepped close to him, forgiveness more than evident. "I would like to say goodbye to you." she said, dispensing with the topic. He nodded, leaning down, and slipped his arms around her. "Thank you, Xena, for understanding." They kissed one another, slowly and passionately. While Xena and Hercules *talked*, Gabrielle spotted Iolaus with Xanya. They were underneath the same tree she and Iolaus rested near when his children made their first appearances to Gabrielle. Seeing Iolaus on his feet warmed Gabrielle more than she could say. It hadn't changed him inside, really, but it pleased her to know it pleased him. Xanya seemed to nearly purr when Iolaus reached up to softly stroke her nose with his knuckles. Gabrielle stood beside them, saying nothing for a long while although she knew Iolaus was aware of her presence. "You're going with Xena, aren't you?" he finally asked, continuing to not look at her. "She needs me." Gabrielle gently cleared her throat, "And Eve. I think she needs me too." When he said nothing and continued to look at the horse, Gabrielle took in a ragged breath, "I'm so sorry, Iolaus. You know how I feel about you ..." Finally, he turned but did not look angry. If anything he looked as if he had come to terms with her decision even before she was aware she had made it. "I know and you shouldn't be sorry. I understand." he said gently but there was sadness in his cerulean eyes. "You have to do what's in your heart and I have to do the same." He looked back at Xanya, "I want you to take her." Iolaus said, holding the reins out to Gabrielle, "Xena has her second Argo and I think you need an equestrian companion too." He rubbed the animal's nose once again, "She may not be young anymore but she's still hardy, smart and, I think, will like life on the road." "Iolaus, this is so sweet of you but I can't. You love her." "And so do you." He smiled as she took the leather from him, "Besides, you can use Xanya as she was intended to be used, and she's crazy about you." For the first time in a long while Iolaus' smile reached his eyes. "I have Asterus tuition paid up for two years and when he goes to the academy I plan on doing some traveling with Hercules. I won't be here to take care of her. Xena and Eve aren't the only ones who need you." "What about you, Iolaus? What of your future?" Gabrielle asked, sincerely interested. His expression grew thoughtful for a moment, "I think the first thing Hercules and I are going to do, after dropping Asterus off, is see Imules. I want to check on him, see how he's doing during the first few months of his apprenticeship. Can you imagine his expression when he sees me walking toward him." Gabrielle laughed with Iolaus and was so pleased he was able to make her do that. Yet, there was the inevitable grief of parting. "I ... umh." Her voice was low, some might even say bashful, "The time we spent together was so beautiful ..." "Yes, it was. I'll never forget it or you." His own voice softened and grew introspective, "But it's not as if we're never going to see each other again. If I thought that was going to happen I'd be hard pressed to let you go." Gabrielle lifted her free hand and touched his cheek with tender fingers, "You need to be back on the road with Hercules, I think." She countered, warmly. Gabrielle released Xanya's reins and stepped a few paces closer to Iolaus, lifting both hands now to rest on his shoulders, "I love you, Iolaus. You know that, don't you?" His arms slid tenderly around her waist, "I'm going to miss you so much." Then he added, "I'm going to miss what we could have had." Gabrielle smiled shyly, "Maybe in another few years when Xena and Eve have come to terms with who they are and what they've done in their lives ... when they don't need an anchor like myself ....Well ..." she smiled lightly and touched his gold hair, "Maybe when I'm old, sagging and have lost most of my teeth we can get together again, Iolaus. If you still want me, that is." Iolaus pulled her to him in a hug, "It's a date." he whispered gently in her ear. Gabrielle smiled and looked up, watching the breeze rustle the leaves above their heads, "Iolaus," she pondered, "what is it about us and kissing beneath trees?" she asked. He had no answer. Only the kiss. Xanya whinnied her approval. ******* The two men waved a bit sadly as they watched the women, both on horseback, ride away and over a far hill. "Iolaus," Hercules lowered his arm and looked at his friend, "I know you want to spend time with Asterus when he comes home, especially now. You're both going to have a lot to talk about. So, I'll understand if you want me to make myself scares. I can always go see Evander and his family or Iphicles or ...." "No." Iolaus was firm, "This is a good time and I want to spend it with my whole family." He slapped Hercules on the shoulder, "But now I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat." Then, with a boyish mirth, "Race ya!." he said with a giggle. With a joy and warmth that hadn't been witnessed for twenty five years, Iolaus dashed and Hercules followed. The two brothers, for that was what they were and would always be, ran into the house. THE END