******** Initially, the transition took some getting used to but it was easy to see why Xindra was held in such high esteem with the gods, regardless of their past together. She spoke eloquently with the Melosans, with Artemis by her side, explaining to their one time enemies what had happened and how now the situation was correcting itself. She was persuasive. The Beauteus had much to offer the Melosans and, she hoped, they would gain knowledge and experience from from one another. Gabrielle, noting Ephiny's unease, allowed her to take control. She asked many questions and was not easily swayed by promises of harmony. Not until there was a full understanding, that the Melosans truly believed what was being presented to them, would she relent. Artemis, watching the proceedings, decided she liked Ephiny's tenacity. She would have made a good Goddess Of the Hunt. Yet, on the third day, agreement came as did a verbal contract between both tribes. "Tonight there will be a celebration." Gabrielle announced to both tribes, "The Melosans and the Beauteus will, for the first time, join hands in dance. This is the beginning of an alliance of far reaching consequences! We are family! We are the Northern Amazons!" ** "Tata, time to go." Gusaus called. Tamara looked over to where her father had just shaken hands with Iolaus. He was smiling and waved in her direction. "Be right there." she replied. "You just don't look like a *Tata*." Ephiny smiled and released a short chuckle. "All things considered it's hard to believe I ever *was* a Tata." "So, you're leaving and there's no changing your mind?" Ephiny asked although she knew the answer before the words left the brave Amazon's lips. "He needs me." she said, "I've been away too long, Ephiny." Tamara looked about the Melosan village, that which had been her home for over a year, and drank in all the sights and sounds. Departing was going to be tougher than she thought. She really did care for her sisters. "But I won't be away forever ... " Tamara began then blanched as she watched Solari respectfully present a bowl of fresh dates to the visiting Xindra, who accepted it graciously. "I'm sure the alliance will go well without me." Ephiny nodded understanding. While it was true that Tamara needed to do some catching up with her Father, the two of them agreeing to hash through problems in their relationship, it was also true that Tamara felt a betrayal. Transformation or not the Beauteus were still animals in her eyes and she would never forgive them for what they did to Betha. Yet, to be a Melosan meant accepting their one time enemy as allies. Tamara didn't think she could do that. However, to her credit she understood why a merger was necessary. Together the northern warriors made an unbeatable Amazon tribe. There was strength in numbers and alliances were important. With an in-drawn breath that sounded like a regretting sigh, Tamara returned her attention to Ephiny, "Good-bye." she said and lifted her arm, giving the woman a warrior's handshake. "Be mighty." "And honorable." Ephiny added and let her go. ** "Here, it's as good as new." Trista, almost timidly, presented the vest to Iolaus then grinned at his wide-eyed expression, "I found time to sew on it last night, after the bond fire." Iolaus lifted the purple patched garment in front of him and examined the stitching, "You did a great job, Trista." he marveled, "No one would ever know it was in shreds yesterday." He lowered the garment and looked at the girl, "You didn't have to do this. It means a lot to me." "It was the least I could do. You saved my life." Iolaus leaned gently forward and place a kiss on the girl's cheek, "It was my pleasure. Thank you." Bashfully, face turning crimson, the young amazon back away then turned, with a giggle, to run to her closest sisters. He kissed her! She had to tell them everything! Chuckling, Iolaus slipped off the gray tunic the Melosans had lent him and pulled the vest on. It was like being reunited with an old friend. "That's a little more like it." Gabrielle approached with an approving smile, "How's the back?" "Better." he said brightly but his smile drooped, "It's time for me to go, Gabrielle." She nodded but couldn't say anything for a few seconds. Then: "Iolaus, you really don't have to go. You could stay here. After all, I'm their queen ..." "You know that's impossible. I've over-stayed my welcome as it is." He stepped forward and gently touched Gabrielle's hair. He found himself doing that a lot lately. He loved the feel of it against his fingers and, for all he knew, he would never get the opportunity to touch it again. "I'm a free thinking man Gabrielle and the Amazons will only tolerate my presence in their village for so long. One day I might say something we'll both regret." He looked over at a group of five teenagers being taught the correct way to grip a spear. Several of the girls had been sent home but a few remained, wishing to be taught and eventually become Melosan Amazons. Silently, Iolaus wished them well but also regretted their choice. He sincerely felt they should be at home with their parents, brothers and sisters. This was a major obstacle in his and the Melsoan's way of thinking. It would most assuredly cause problems if he were to stay. His attention returned to Gabrielle, "I told Gusaus and Tamara I'd meet them at the crossroads to Naxos, their home village. I figure it's as good a place as any to stop off. Besides, I have friends there." "I thought you were going home to Thebes." "That was the original plan." he admitted, "But I got to thinking about how I was able to catch that arrow before it hit you. Maybe it's a sign. Somebody's trying to tell me it's too soon to retire." Of course he thought of Hercules. Had the arrow actually been his buddy's doing? Or maybe it was really Xena, watching over her friend ... "Another year on the road won't be such a bad thing really. I guess there are people out there I can still help." Gabrielle bowed her head slightly, emotion chasing across her face. "I'm going to miss you, Iolaus." He moved in closer and lifted her chin with a finger, "Just look into your heart and I will be there, Gabrielle." he said then leaned forward to gently kiss her lips. ** Gabrielle's head did battle with her heart as she stared, watching him depart from the Melosan village, traveling down the path that had brought them back here only a few days earlier. The Amazon Queen knew she should be satisfied with the decision. After all, it was one she made herself, with a clear head, and Iolaus had finally been persuaded into see her side of the situation. But still, it seemed wrong, watching him walk away from her. **Go after him.** Gabrielle turned and looked at Ephiny who stood beside her, "Did you say something?" Ephiny nodded as she leaned against a staff, newly fashioned by their tribe's talented wood worker. "Yes, I said he's quite man. Even the hard-core man-haters of our group came to like Iolaus. Solari said she was sorry she couldn't try him on for size, just once." Ephiny chuckled, "That's quite a compliment coming from her." Then, more serious, "He's special. Maybe it was all those years traveling with Hercules?" "No, he's just Iolaus. He is who he is." Gabrielle whispered and felt a sudden unsure tingle at the back of her neck. **Go after him!** "Is it true Artemis married you to Iolaus?" Ephiny asked. "Yes." "I'm sorry." Puzzled, Gabrielle, looked closely at Ephiny. "Sorry?" "That you had to be put through that, I mean. If it had worked out differently, if you had been compatible, you would be with him now." "Ephiny," Gabrielle's voice was resolute, "I love him." It was Ephiny's turn to looked puzzled, "And he loves you. That's why he came here, right?" Her eyes narrowed, "Then *why* are you letting him walk out of your life?" "I asked him to stay here but he ..." "You asked him to live a life not suited for him, Gabrielle. Can you really picture Iolaus as the concubine to an amazon queen?" "He's my husband!" As the words left Gabrielle's lips she realized it was the first time she said it out loud. **Gabrielle, why are you wasting time? Go after him before he gets away!** It was Xena, talking, that part of Xena that lived in Gabrielle and would never quite go away. **We will always be together ... but you can't live your life around my memory, and you can't hide either. Go to Iolaus! He's alive and wants you ... and you want him ... ** "If you really feel that way," Ephiny pressed, "If you love him and want to be his companion, partner, lifemate *whatever* ... you better do something about it before it's too late." Gabrielle looked into Ephiny's eyes, seeing an comprehension there that spoke of age-old wisdom. She paused for five seconds then quickly called out to her people, "Listen to me, Ephiny is now Queen of the Melosan Amaazons! I must leave you now ..." Heads lifted. Further words failed the bard except to say, "But you will always be my sisters!" Then, without another word, Gabrielle ran down the path. She had lost sight of Iolaus but if she continued on the same road she would catch up to him soon. "Iolaus!' she shouted as she ran, "Wait!" Solari joined Ephiny and lifted a brow, "She's never with us long." the Amazon commented. "No," Ephiny agreed, "but she always makes an impact." A short distance ahead, around a curve shielded by a growth of heavy vegetation, Iolaus stopped. A flurry of excitement had caused the wild birds in the trees surrounding him to take flight and squawk in fear. Iolaus hesitated. The last time he felt like this he was attacked by warrior women who's intentions were less than honorable. "Iolaus!" He stood stiff, barely able to believe he heard her. It had to be a trick. "Wait!" she cried again. "Gabrielle?" Then she turned the corner, no longer hidden by the greenery, and they were face to face. Neither said a word, almost afraid to break the spell of what this moment could mean to the rest of their lives. Then Gabrielle whispered, "I'm coming with you." A hesitation then, "Why?" he asked. "Because when two people love each other they should be together." If it could only be so simple. "Understand something, Gabrielle." Iolaus voice was gentle but firm, "If we're going to be together, it will be for always. You will be my wife and I your husband. There's no middle ground here. You can't leave me ..." his voice choked slightly, a barely hidden bereavement detected, "... because I don't think I could take it again. I keep losing ..." He broke off, thinking better of what he should say, "I love you too much." "Iolaus," Gabrielle could feel her mouth grow dry. Her legs were trembling. He was being so sincere and she could see that his life, and both their futures, were now hinged on what she said next, "I will be with you for however long you want me with you. And even after that you'll have a hard time getting rid of me." and she smiled. There, it was said. Slowly, he beamed in return and lifted a hand for her to grasp. She did and they walked together, side by side, in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. "Will we go to Naxos?" Gabrielle asked. "No, to Thebes." Iolaus said, "I want to introduce my bride to Pandion and my mother." Gabrielle looked up at him, a sparkle in her eyes. "Potedia is along the way. I think we'll stop there first. I have some showing off to do myself. My sister will be thrilled." "Okay, if you say so." but there was humor in Iolaus voice. Gabrielle gently ran her lower lip through her teeth, "After that?" she queried. Iolaus looked up about the trees that surrounded them, then gave her an answer. "I'm in the market for a new partner, someone who's good in a fight and want's to help people. Have any ideas?" "Oh, I think I can come up with someone and there are added perks to the partner I have in mind. She'll be much different from your last." "Really? In what way?" Gabrielle's tone turned sultry, "When we make camp this evening I'll show you." Iolaus left it at that, anticipating the night, and continued to walk, her hand nestle very comfortably in his own. Yes, he missed Hercules but Iolaus knew he'd see him again some day soon. They simply could not stay out of each others lives for too long. It was just the way it was. Gabrielle gently squeezed his hand and Iolaus looked over at her. He'd make it through the rest of his life just fine. They both would. And one day he and Gabrielle might even have children ... and they'd grow strong and healthy, and be heroes. Just like their parents. Above the roaming couple, watching them through an Olympian portal, Hercules, Artemis and Hebe sighed a contented breath of relief. Some mortals, the ones the gods truly cared about, just took a little more effort than others. All was well. THE END July 2001 Note* For those of you who are new or curious and are wondering: Iola and I wrote the first part of this story LONG before Xena met her doom at the finale of XWP. We had her dying peacfully in our fiction, a BIG contrast to how TPTB decided Xena's fate ... I like our version better <g>) The Ever Thankful, Beckers 